Download TexGen

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Revision as of 16:13, 21 November 2011 by Louisepb (talk | contribs)
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TexGen is hosted on Sourceforge and the latest version can be downloaded here.

Which version?

As of version 3.2.0 you have a choice between two versions: texgen-3.x.x.exe and texgen-bundle-3.x.x.exe. TexGen requires the Python interpreter to be installed in order to run. The standard installation package named texgen-3.x.x.exe does not include Python and must be installed manually. The bundle installation package comes with the Python interpreter which means that it does not need to be installed manually.

If you don't know what Python is or you won't be using it for anything other than TexGen then the bundle package is recommended. For experienced users, the standard installation package is preferable since it will integrate itself with an existing python installation giving existing Python scripts access to TexGen.

Feedback and help

Please leave a message on the TexGen forum if you find TexGen to be a useful tool. We are very interested to hear about research conducted with TexGen. The forum is also the place to ask questions, make comments and generally discuss about TexGen with other users. Please note that if you join the forum there may be a slight delay before your membership is approved. We will try to do this as quickly as possible but it is unfortunately necessary due to recent problems with spammers.

Specific bug reports, feature requests and patches are always welcome and should be directed to the sourceforge trackers.

If you make use of TexGen in your work and publications please could you make it known on the forum. This will both help other users and publicise your work.

We would also be grateful if you could acknowledge use of TexGen where appropriate and suggest using the following reference:

A C Long and L P Brown. Composite reinforcements for optimum performance: Modelling the geometry of textile reinforcements for composites: TexGen, edited by P Boisse, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-84569-965-9.