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  • Export to VTK files - Done!
  • Export to STL files - Done!
  • Add function to test if Repeat vector corresponds to yarn end pos - start pos - Done!
  • Add ability to set textile name in the 2d weave wizard
  • Memory management, may want to think about how the textile and yarn classes are stored. Currently the yarn has no knowledge of its parent. This can be troublesome for some functions. It is often useful for the yarn to have access to information about the textile it belongs to. Consider adding a parameter to yarn which points back to its parent. This removes the ability for the yarn to be copied, however this is not such a big deal anyway. There are few cases when this is necessary or useful.
  • Package a version of python with the texgen installer to make things easier for the user. Perhaps have a separate installer for TexGen as a python library.
  • Textile summary reporting tool
    • Create a new class containing information about the textile. - Done!
    • Store all information in SI units, have function to set values. Each function should have a second parameter that specifies what unit it is given in. - Done!
    • If information is not given it should be clear that it is not (i.e. set to 0 for example only if 0 would not be a valid value) - Done!
    • The units in which the textile is measured in will need to be specified because this will impact upon volume calculated, etc... - Done!
    • Properties: Areal density, Fibre linear density, fibre density - Done!
    • Store fibre count + fibre diameter separately
    • Make gui window for viewing and setting properties
  • Modeller
    • Implement the remaining cross section types
    • Popup menu in the outliner when right clicking on a yarn to assign sections and whatnot
    • Have option to see repeat vectors graphically along with some repeated yarns
    • Make sure everything is sound with domains
    • Do sorting based on camera position for transparency
    • Box selection
    • Layers so that picking of nodes belonging to specific yarns made easier
    • Add undo ability
    • Make sure python code is generated for all important operations (e.g. python code should be generated when mouse is released from a move operation)
  • Bugs
    • When user clicks create textile from the modeller and then presses cancel, a new textile is created anyway. - Fixed
    • When deleting last node on a yarn the yarn surface no longer visible... - Unable to reproduce