Abaqus UMAT Subroutine for Calculation of Localised Yarn Properties

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The file chamis_model_final.for provides an Abaqus UMAT subroutine which computes yarn properties for every element based on the local fibre volume fraction data provided in the .eld export file. The file can be downloaded here.

Instead of providing homogenised properties of yarns to Abaqus , raw fibre and matrix properties are specified and then the Chamis micromechanical model [1] is used to compute yarn properties for every element. Every element will then have unique properties which depend on the fibre volume fraction.

To use this function the ‘MATERIALS’ section in the .inp file should be modified as described below, substituting the fields in italics as appropriate:

*Material, Name=MaterialName
E1,E2,nu12,nu23,G12,G23,matrix E, matrix nu

*Initial Conditions, Type=Solution, Input=my_model.eld

The inputs for the “user material” keyword are:

fibre longitudinal modulus E1
fibre transverse modulus E2
fibre Poisson ratio nu12
fibre Poisson ratio nu23
fibre Poisson ratio G12
fibre Poisson ratio G23
matrix Young's modulus
matrix Poisson ratio

To run the files from the Abaqus command line enter:

abaqus job=mymodel user=chamis_model_final

where mymodel is the name of the *.inp file.

This file was written by Mikhail Matveev [2]

1. Chamis CC. Mechanics of Composite-Materials - Past, Present, and Future. J Compos Tech Res. 1989;11(1):3-14.

2. Matveev, Mikhail Y. Effect of variabilities on mechanical properties of textile composites. 2015, The University of Nottingham.