TexGen to Abaqus

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TexGen to Abaqus

Post by Fernandarinco »


I have used the python script to get the material constants in Abaqus and everything works fine.
I just have a doubt about the code. What is the strain applied to the model? I can't seem to find it. Or how to change it.
Is there any article or material that explains the theory behind the effectiveMatPropRVE code?

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Re: TexGen to Abaqus

Post by louisepb »


The process is described here: https://texgen.sourceforge.net/index.ph ... and_Abaqus The theory, including the loads applied, is described in Shuguang Li's paper cited at the top of that page.

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Re: TexGen to Abaqus

Post by bonow »

Hi Dr. Brown,
The paper by Shuguang Li concerns with UD (uni-directional) fibers in the X-direction and trapezoidal symmetry in Y and Z directions, whereas the example shown in your presentation and in the tutorial deals with 3D woven textile, for which the theory is not applicable.

Also, it seem the BC equations are run/computed by the Abaqus command line 'abaqus job=[input file Name]'. The effectiveMatPropRVE.py script seems to be a post-processing for material property homogenization.

It would be very useful if you could make an in-depth presentation on how Texgen actually defines the loads and boundary conditions that are exported to the Abaqus input file for a general case (including 3D weaves) and what's the implication on the macroscale Stress-Strains and Deformations (both normal and shear), that's actually the essence of this topic but is still missing.

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Re: TexGen to Abaqus

Post by louisepb »


Shuguang Li's paper provides boundary conditions for a cubic unit cell. These BCs can be applied reliably to any unit cell as long as it is periodic and the nodes/elements match on oppisite sides of the cell. It therefore doesn't matter whether the material is unidirections, woven etc as long as the pairs of equations for faces, corners and edges can be set up. The loads which are applied to extract the material constants are given in the paper.

TexGen implements the BCs and exports these as an Abaqus input file with the BCs and loads/steps set up according to the paper. If this input file is run in Abaqus then the accompanying Python file can be run as a post-process and will give homogenised values for Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio in the different orientations.

I hope that helps,
Best wishes,
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