►NShiny | |
CProfileAutoEndNode | |
►CProfileData | |
CData | |
CProfileLastData | |
CProfileManager | |
CProfileNode | |
CProfileNodePool | |
CProfileZone | |
CTimeUnit | |
►NTexGen | Namespace containing a series of customised math operations not found in the standard c++ library |
CCAdjustMeshInterference | Class used to adjust small interferences in the fibre volume mesh |
►CCBasicVolumes | Class for meshing fabric unit cells |
CPROJECTED_REGION | Struct representing a region projected onto the XY plane |
CProjectedRegionArea | Functor defining the < operator based on the projected region's area |
CCBendingPeriodicBoundaries | Class used to generate Abaqus input file for periodic boundary conditions for a unit cell in tension and bending |
CCDomain | Abstract base class representing the domain in which a textile cell may lie |
CCDomainPlanes | Domain implementation described using planes, the simplest of which would be a box |
CCDomainPrism | Domain implementation described using extrusion of a polygon outline |
►CCElement | Base class for representing finite elements |
CINTEGRATION_POINT | Struct for representing an integration point |
CCElementsOctree | Class to assist in storing mesh elements in an octree |
CCElementTri | Base class for representing triangular elements |
CCElementTriBending | Triangular element which represents yarn bending |
CCElementTriTension | Triangular element which represents fibre tension |
CCExporter | Class to re-create geometry in OpenCASCADE and in turn export to IGES or STEP |
CCFibreDistribution | Abstract base class that defines how the fibres are distributed within a yarn |
CCFibreDistribution1DQuad | Fibre volume fraction is defined as a quadratic equation varying only along the X axis |
CCFibreDistributionConst | Fibre volume fraction is constant throughout the yarn |
►CCGeometrySolver | Class for creating realistic fabric geometry using FE |
CCInterpolation | Abstract base class for describing the yarn path interpolations |
CCInterpolationAdjusted | Bezier interpolation for yarn paths |
CCInterpolationBezier | Bezier interpolation for yarn paths |
►CCInterpolationCubic | Cubic spline interpolation for yarn paths |
CCUBICEQUATION | Struct to represent a cubic equation |
CCInterpolationLinear | Bezier interpolation for yarn paths |
CCLinearTransformation | Represents a linear transformation as a 3x3 matrix |
CCLogger | Abstract base class to act as an interface between texgen and the logger |
CCLoggerNull | Logger used to send all log and error messages into a black hole |
CCLoggerScreen | Logger used to print all log and error messages to the screen |
CCLogIndent | Class to handle log indenting |
CCMaterial | Abstract base class to represent a material definition |
CCMatrix | Class to represent a matrix and perform various operations on it |
CCMesh | Defines the nodes and elements of a surface or volume mesh |
CCMeshData | |
CCMeshDataBase | |
CCMeshDomainPlane | |
►CCMesher | Class for meshing fabric unit cells |
CCMesherBase | |
CCMeshIntersectionData | Class which holds the information related to each intersection point, used for adjusting the mesh |
CCNode | Represents a point on the centreline of a yarn |
CCObjectContainer | Object container to help handle memory management issues |
CCOctreeAgentElement | Octree agent used to add elements to an octree |
CCOctreeAgentNode | Octree agent used to add indexed nodes to an octree |
CCOctreeVisitorElementNearLine | Octree visitor used to get a list of elements near given line |
CCOctreeVisitorMergeNodes | Octree visitor used to merge nodes together within a given tolerance |
►CCOctreeVoxelMesh | Class used to generate octree-refine voxel mesh for output to ABAQUS |
CPoint | |
CCPatternDraft | |
CCPeriodicBoundaries | Class used to generate Abaqus output for periodic boundary conditions |
CCPrismVoxelMesh | Class used to generate voxel mesh of prism domain for output to ABAQUS |
CCProperties | Class to store properties related to a textile and/or yarn |
CCPropertiesTextile | Class to store properties related to a textile |
CCPropertiesYarn | Class to store properties related to a textile |
CCProperty | |
CCRectangularVoxelMesh | Class used to generate voxel mesh for output to ABAQUS |
CCReedData | |
CCRotatedPeriodicBoundaries | Class used to generate Abaqus input file for periodic boundary conditions for a textile with rotated domain |
CCRotatedVoxelMesh | Class used to generate voxel mesh of rotated domain for output to ABAQUS |
CCSection | Abstract base class respresenting a yarn cross-section |
CCSectionBezier | Section made up of bezier curves |
CCSectionEllipse | Elliptical Section |
CCSectionHybrid | Hybrid of any number of other sections |
CCSectionLenticular | Lenticular Section |
CCSectionMesh | Abstract base class to create a 2D mesh of a section |
CCSectionMeshRectangleSection | Create a rectangular mesh, the number of layers can be specified or set as -1 for automatic determination |
CCSectionMeshRectangular | Create a rectangular mesh, the number of layers can be specified or set as -1 for automatic determination |
CCSectionMeshTriangulate | Creates a mesh of a section using open source package triangle http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~quake/triangle.html |
CCSectionPolygon | Creates a polygonal section, where a list of points are given to form the closed polygon |
CCSectionPowerEllipse | Power ellipse section |
CCSectionRectangle | Rectangle section |
CCSectionRotated | Section which represents a rotation of another section angle given in radians |
CCSectionScaled | Section which represents a scaled version of another section |
CCShearedPeriodicBoundaries | Class used to generate Abaqus input file for periodic boundary conditions for a textile with sheared domain. Note that equations are only valid for xy shear |
CCShearedTextileWeave2D | Respresents a 2d woven textile with shear applied |
CCShearedVoxelMesh | Class used to generate voxel mesh for output to ABAQUS |
CCShellElementExport | Class for exporting surface mesh to ABAQUS |
CCSimulation | Represents a textile cell containing yarns |
►CCSimulationAbaqus | Class used to generate an abaqus input deck for textile mechanics simulations |
CCKeywordInteraction | Represents a surface interaction as a string of ABAQUS keywords |
CCSurfaceInteraction | Abstract base class to represent a surface interaction |
CCSingleton | Template used as a base class for creating singletons |
CCSlaveNode | A derivation of the CNode class which contains data specific to slave nodes such as sections |
CCStaggeredPeriodicBoundaries | Class used to generate Abaqus input file for periodic boundary conditions for a textile with staggered offset. Gives reduced unit cell size |
CCStaggeredVoxelMesh | Class used to generate voxel mesh for output to ABAQUS where a reduced unit cell is obtained by use of a staggered offset repeat |
CCSurfaceMesh | Class which generates a surface mesh with triangulated domain boundaries |
CCTetgenMesh | Class which tetrahedralizes a textile using Tetgen software |
CCTexGen | Singleton class holding the Textiles in a database |
CCTexGenRenderer | Used for rendering stuff using VTK http://www.vtk.org/ |
CCTextile | Represents a textile cell containing yarns |
CCTextile3DWeave | Represents a 3D woven textile |
CCTextileAngleInterlock | Represents a 3D angle interlock woven textile |
CCTextileDecoupledLToL | |
CCTextileDeformer | A virtual base class which can be used to deform textiles |
►CCTextileDeformerVolumeMesh | Deform the geometry of a textile given a volume mesh |
CCTextileLayered | Represents a textile made up from several layers of weaves |
CCTextileLayerToLayer | |
CCTextileMaterials | |
CCTextileOffsetAngleInterlock | Represents a 3D angle interlock woven textile |
CCTextileOrthogonal | Represents a 3D orthogonal woven textile |
►CCTextileWeave | Represents a woven textile |
CYARNDATA | Data structure to keep track of yarn parameters |
CCTextileWeave2D | Respresents a 2d woven textile |
CCTextileWeave3D | Respresents a 3d woven textile |
CCTimer | Class used to meaure the amount of time it takes to perform a certain task |
CCUMAT | Represents a UMAT material definition |
CCVoxelMesh | Class used to generate voxel mesh for output to ABAQUS |
CCWeakPointer | Weak pointer that acts as normal pointer except when copied |
CCYarn | Represents a yarn consisting of master nodes, section and interpolation function |
CCYarnSection | Abstract base class used to define the sections along the length of a yarn |
CCYarnSectionAdjusted | Bezier interpolation for yarn paths |
CCYarnSectionConstant | Creates a section which is constant all along the yarn |
CCYarnSectionInterp | Abstract base class to handle interpolation for derived classes |
CCYarnSectionInterpNode | Creates a section which is linearly interpolated between sections defined at the nodes |
CCYarnSectionInterpPosition | Interpolate sections between arbritrary positions along the length of the yarn |
CLessPairDoubleInt | Used to sort double-int pairs |
CLessPairDoubleObjectRef | Used to sort double-objectref pairs |
CLessPairDoubleXYZ | Used to sort double-XYZ pairs |
CMESH_ELEMENT | Elements of a given, is used in conjunction with COctreeAgentElement |
CPLANE | Struct for representing a Plane |
CPLANEPARAMS | Structure which contains information for transformation from 3D to 2D plane |
CPOINT_INFO | Structure used to retreive information about a particular point in space |
CWXYZ | Struct for representing a quaternion |
CXY | Struct for representing points in 2D space |
CXYZ | Struct for representing points in 3D space |
CYARN_POSITION_INFORMATION | Structure used to represent the position along the length of a yarn |
CYARNDATA | Data structure to keep track of yarn parameters |