44 bool SetYarnMeshDisplacements(
int iYarn,
const CMesh &Mesh, vector<XYZ> &Displacements);
53 virtual double GetDisplacement(
XYZ Pos,
int iYarn,
XYZ &Disp)
Defines the nodes and elements of a surface or volume mesh.
A virtual base class which can be used to deform textiles.
Deform the geometry of a textile given a volume mesh.
vector< YARN_MESH > m_YarnMeshes
Namespace containing a series of customised math operations not found in the standard c++ library.
XYZ GetBarycentricCoordinates(const XY &P1, const XY &P2, const XY &P3, const XY &P)
Get the barycentric coordinates of a point lying on a triangle.
vector< XYZ > NodeDisplacements
Struct for representing points in 3D space.